Crossin Attic Soft is a spray-applied open-cell polyurethane (PUR) foam with excellent insulation and soundproofing properties. Crossin Attic Soft foam has all the features expected of modern insulation materials. Key technical parameters such as thermal conductivity coefficient λD = 0.037 W/(m-K) and low absorbency Wp≤0.85 kg/m2, place this product among the best available on the market.
Quick and precise way of application
Low Lambda heat transfer coefficient
Uniform, airtight insulating layer
Low water absorption guaranteeing constant properties
The method of foam application and excellent adhesion guarantees a seamless insulation layer. This feature, even with very complex structures, allows to effectively eliminate thermal bridges. Once applied, the material does not move and maintains the tightness of the insulation and the declared parameters throughout the life of the house. Crossin Attic Soft polyurethane foam has a test confirming the absence of fungal and mold growth on the surface of the insulation material.